A Self-Compassion Well-Being Tool for All, Big and Small
The YOUniverse and its companion storybook, The Big Bright Ball Answers The Call, help us to recognize and utilize the self compassion and healing power at the center of us all.
Watch How It Works
How It Works - In 3 Powerful Steps
Choose a ball for a feeling that's getting your attention.
Place your ball on your YOUniverse.
Allow your loving Big Bright Ball Self to give it what it needs to heal.
I Love Me, do You Love You?
"What is essential is invisible to the eye" Antoine de Saint-Exupery-The Little Prince
"Everything waits to be noticed" Art Garfunkel
The YOUniverse Feeling Wheel and Self-Leadership tool along with its companion storybook, The Big Bright BallAnswers the Calland guidebook, A Guide to Integrating theYOUniverse in Therapy, takes the essential, yet invisible inner world of thoughts and emotions- your feelings, and makes them visible to the eye where they can be helped and healed by the true YOU-your Big Bright Ball compassionate Self.
"What is essential is invisible to the eye" Antoine de Saint-Exupery-The Little Prince
"Everything waits to be noticed" Art Garfunkel
The YOUniverse Feeling Wheel and Self-Leadership tool along with its companion storybook, The Big Bright BallAnswers the Calland guidebook, A Guide to Integrating theYOUniverse in Therapy, takes the essential, yet invisible inner world of thoughts and emotions- your feelings, and makes them visible to the eye where they can be helped and healed by the true YOU-your Big Bright Ball compassionate Self.
For children, the feelings and problems they face can be helped and healed by their Big YOU- their own Big Bright Ball Self at their center-core along with the help and support of their parents Big Bright Ball Self.
Each YOUniverse features your "always already happy" "Big Bright Ball" Self or the Big YOU at your center-core and a multitude of "Parts"(IFS Model of Therapy) represented by a variety of smaller colored balls, sometimes referred to as "emorbs" or emotional orbs, that can be placed on the surrounding rings. These colored balls can represent one's painful(or joyful) thoughts, emotions, behaviors, physical sensations and/or memories that are yearning to be expressed. The goal of YOUniverse assisted therapy or parenting, teaching, coaching, mentoring, is to help you step into Self-Leadership-to help you help yourself, your children, your students, your clients, your staff, your team, achieve Well-Being by inviting, seeing, cultivating, and experiencing your capacity for Self-Expression, Self-Compassion, and Self-Healing through a process in which you and those around you come to recognize and use your own center-core compassionate Self, the true YOU, to not only express joy, but also to See, Understand, and Heal the Colors(Parts) in pain. FEEL-REVEAL-HEAL.
Reading the companion Big Bright Ball Storybook helps clients to know their true Self, playfully encouraging them to make that pivotal "YOU-turn" inward and heal their feelings so they can then pivot outward and engage positively in their world. For parents, offering the YOUniverse as a "Feelings Wheel" , Mood Mirror/Map or "Choice Wheel" becomes a natural and effective Conversation-Starter and/or Time-IN Solution with which children and teenagers are helped to befriend themselves- all the colors or parts within, to cultivate their Self-Compassion and Self-Leadership so they can better care for and speak for their feelings and resource their parents to problem solve and heal.
An innovative, Session-Changing Visual Communication Tool that helps therapists and clients, parents and children, cross the interpersonal communication bridge together.
See, know, and communicate the "Center" or "Core Self" as a loving source and guide for leadership, healing, and happiness.
See, know, and communicate the inner world - thoughts, feelings, experiences, easily and quickly and transform them from verbal to concrete/visual.
See, know, and communicate the interconnections, patterns, and dynamics occurring within the inner world and how you hope to help.
Achieve Regulation of Affect by visually transferring or displacing painful emotions or stuck dynamics onto the Youniverse.